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Accepted Paper:

The Culture of Commerce and the Commerce of Culture in Sixteenth-Century Seville  
Guy Lazure (University of Windsor)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper discusses the social and economic pre-conditions for the development of an intellectual and cultural elite in the unique urban environment of sixteenth-century Seville, by comparing it to other Renaissance Spanish and European merchant cities.

Paper long abstract:

Although sixteenth-century Seville is principally remembered today as a center of trade and commerce, this paper argues that it should also be considered as a space of knowledge and culture, perhaps one of the greatest and largest of the Spanish monarchy, rivalling even the court of Madrid as a center of power and patronage thanks to the spectacular influx of New World. It will do so by examining and comparing the socio-economic foundations of intellectual and cultural elites, as well as the material, political, institutional and even technological pre-conditions for the development of learning in merchant cities, both within in Spain (Valencia) and elsewhere in Europe (Lyon, Antwerp, Florence and Venice).

Panel P17
Scholarly practices and Iberian intellectual networks through an Early Modern web of cities
  Session 1