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Accepted Paper:

Christianization, cultural interaction and the power of tradition in Gaul, Britain and Portugal in Early Medieval times  
Lilian Regina Gonçalves Diniz (Università di Padova)

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Paper short abstract:

The aim of this paper is to analyze some forms of interactions and their influence on the exchange of cultures and practices, which finally lead to the syncretism of Christianity and traditional cults in Gaul, Portugal and Britain from 4th to 7th century.

Paper long abstract:

The arrival of the Christianization in the Roman world was not a uniform process and Christianity in many cases had to adapt to the environment which it entered, which often entailed the embracement of local habits. In every place, however, it caused a sort of a clash between cultures and worldviews. It is known that the relations between Christians and pagans have always been marked by misunderstandings and intolerance. The possibility of exchange has almost never been propagated, although performed, in a way that despite the reprimands of the ecclesiastical councils, legal codes and sermons of priests and bishops, the cultural interaction persisted. The aim of this paper is to analyze some forms of interactions and their influence on the exchange of cultures and practices, which finally lead to the syncretism of Christianity and traditional cults. I shall provide some examples of how the interaction and exchange gave rise to some practices and beliefs that recall traditional and pagan religions, and how this practices could be interpreted as an example of the power and strength of tradition. The study will focus on the following regions: southern Gaul, southern Britain and Portugal from 4th to 7th century.

Panel P33
Poster session