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Accepted Paper:

Spanish monarchy and the last Inkas: an internal border? Communicative strategies and the failure of peace (16th century). Estrategias comunicativas y el fracaso de la paz  
Manfredi Merluzzi (Università Roma Tre)

Paper short abstract:

This contribution aims to analize the question posed to the Spanish monarchy by the last Inkas resistence since 1532 to 1572, in the peruvian viceroyalty. It's focused on the way the Spanish Crown tried to face this question and the failure of the peace negotiations due to culturals misunderstandings.

Paper long abstract:

This contribution aims to analize the question posed to the Spanish monarchy by the last Inkas resistence since 1532 to 1572, in the peruvian viceroyalty. It's focused on the way the Spanish Crown tried to face this question and the failure of the peace negotiations due to culturals misunderstandings. The Spanish Crown tried in several moment to negotiate peace in order to avoid the risk that the Inka resistence was creating to the control of that difficult area. The Diego Rodriguez de Figueroa mission (in 1565) was the most satisfactory attempt in that direction, and led to a formal peace treaty (called Urubamba treaty), neverthless, the peace settled by the treaty didn't resist too much. We analize both the reasons of this failure and the difficulty of reaching an agreement, founded also, but not only, in cultural reasons.

Panel P12
Frontier exchanges in colonial Latin America
  Session 1 Wednesday 17 July, 2013, -