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Accepted Paper:

"Para que se empenhem com fervoroso desvelo nos exercicios da santidade [...]": writing practices and the circulation of role models in Franciscan production in Portugal, in the seventeenth century  
Zulmira C. Santos (FLUP - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto)

Paper short abstract:

This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of Franciscan authors’ writing practices of the seventeenth century, in Portugal, and in the portuguese empire, in order to allow a preliminary assessment of this editorial production.

Paper long abstract:

«Para que se empenhem com fervoroso desvelo nos exercicios da santidade, se ordenão semelhantes escrittos, mostrandolhes os passos para a vida eterna» (Fr. Fernando da SOLEDADE (O.F.M.), «Historia Serafica...», 1709: writing practices and circulation of role models in Franciscan's production in Portugal, in the seventeenth century.

Being the seventeenth century, in Portugal, a time of a wide range production and circulation of works, mainly Jesuit matrix, this paper intends to conduct an initial assessment of the Franciscan's editorial production in the same chronological period, identifying authors, themes and editorial 'guidelines '.

Panel P06
Franciscan circulations: friars, texts and written culture in the early modern Portuguese empire
  Session 1 Friday 19 July, 2013, -