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Accepted Paper:

"Suponho, não disputo a necessidade de govêrno": the works of the capuchin Frei Jacinto de Deus in the context of the Portuguese empire  
Maria Inês Nemésio (FLUP - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto) Paula Almeida Mendes (FLUP - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto)

Paper short abstract:

This paper aims to study the paratexts and the censorship of the complete work of Frei Jacinto de Deus, from the province of Madre de Deus de Gôa, showing up a group of discursive mechanisms with editorial orientation and trying to analyse the circulation of his written production.

Paper long abstract:

Paratexts are presentation means for works, authors, social, religious and cultural positions in the Early Modern Age. They format readers perception about literary texts, taking into consideration the author, the intended public and the work's merit. Taking as starting point the paratexts that precede the written production of the capuchin Frei Jacinto de Deus, published in Portugal - Escudos dos Cavalleiros das Ordens Militares (1670), Tribunal da Provincia da Madre de Deos dos Capuchos da Índia Oriental (1670), Brachiologia de Príncipes (1971), Caminho dos Frades Menores para a Vida Eterna (1689) e Vergel de Plantas, e Flores da Provincia da Madre de Deos dos Capuchos Reformados (1690) -, this paper aims to provide a framework of the editorial visibility and this monk's image, considering the articulation between production origin and literary function. In this regard, it will focus on the analysis of prologues to the readers and dedications to bring to light how the reading of a text can be affected by representations and discursive strategies.

Panel P06
Franciscan circulations: friars, texts and written culture in the early modern Portuguese empire
  Session 1 Friday 19 July, 2013, -