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Accepted Paper:

Socio-demographic and Economic Factors Affecting NEET (not in education, employment and training) youth in Kazakhstan: findings from the Labour Force Survey  
Dinara Alimkhanova (Nazarbayev University)

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Globally, one-fifth of individuals aged 15–24 belong to a NEET population (not in employment, education or training). NEETs have become an increasingly important phenomenon, especially for policy-makers concerning significant concepts such as social exclusion and inequality, gender, or poverty among youth. While the rate of NEET youth is comparatively low in Kazakhstan, its conceptualization has not yet come to a consensus in the academic field as well as in national policy. This paper seeks to contribute to the debate by addressing the risk factors associated with NEET youth in Kazakhstan. It has been revealed from the literature that micro level risk factors such as being a female, having children, living with extended number of family members, low educational level, and residing in a rural area significantly predict the NEET condition. This study utilized data from the Labour Force Survey to examine factors that contribute to the NEET status which are significant to design more targeted preventive and intervening policy strategies towards NEET youth in Kazakhstan.

Panel EDU05
Comparative Education in Central Asia
  Session 1 Thursday 6 June, 2024, -