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Accepted Paper:

Kazakhstan in the structure of the soviet military and industrial complex: study problems  
Saule Baidildina Fellan (Almaty University of Power Engineering and Teleommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev) Ardak Abdiraiymova (Academy of Logistics and Transport)

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Military conflicts in world, the "hybrid war" growth are serious challenges to the international system today.

In this regard, the Cold War history of the last century is attracting more attention of world’s scientific community. Communities, in favor of drawing lessons from that war, strengthen activities of the Cold War archives and centers, and finance researches projects.

Kazakhstan, which was a part of the Soviet military and industrial complex (MIC) during the Cold War does not have its historiography on the problem. The history of the USSR MIC was considered as one of the top secrets in the historical research. Only in the late 1980s-early 1990s, due to the opening of previously classified archival funds, and publishing soviet commanders memoirs, outcomes in Health studies, works of ecologists, political scientists, historical testimonies and some collections of documents it became possible the understanding its impact on the sociocultural development of the regions and residents.

Amongst many aspects of the problem we can note the following:

- were these giant lands really ownerless, unsuitable for grazing livestock and human habitation, as numerous commissions and representatives of the central authorities confirmed then?

- how differed placement, legal, domestic and material situation of the special settlers in the numbered defence enterprises from that of the "Labour Army workforce" engaged in the construction works of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and forced-labor camps;

- sociocultural influence of military-industrial complex facilities located on the territory of the republic on the daily life of the regions and local residents of Kazakhstan.

- the fate of the evacuated local population near the test sites, who became hostage to the authoritarian policies of the Soviet state;

Panel HIST13
Sovereignity, Defence, and Mobility in 20th Century Eurasia
  Session 1 Thursday 6 June, 2024, -