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Accepted Paper:

Sociocultural values of Chechen society during the period of socio-political crisis  
Musa Yusupov (Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov)

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In different parts of the world, social contradictions periodically intensify, and intrastate and interstate conflicts occur. The collapse of the USSR was also accompanied by regional conflicts due to social discontent, opposition to structural violence, and the desire for self-determination. Chechnya experienced a deep socio-political crisis, conflict, and two wars. The experience of participating in a conflict process requires reflection and determination of the prospects for the development of a regional community.

The subject of the study is the sociocultural values of various groups of the population of Chechnya during the period of socio-political crisis.

Goal: to identify the significance of values in the emergence of the Russian-Chechen conflict, the peculiarities of their changes in different periods of its course, to determine their influence on the social behavior of actors and the motivation of political actions.

Materials and method. The study used a sociocultural and subject-active approach, a method of quantitative analysis; for more than twenty years, sociological monitoring of changes in sociocultural values and political value systems was carried out. Values are considered through the categories “preservation” - “change”

Result. In the system of sociocultural values of Chechen society, the terminal values are freedom, justice, and equality. The perception of the content of these and other values changed during different periods of the conflict, but in general, for example, freedom, a sustainable value, is included in the core of the hierarchical value system. It is perceived not only as a manifestation of the will of the individual, but also as security from internal and external violence, illness and material deprivation. Equality is understood in a traditional context rather than as equality of opportunity, meaning equal legal and regulatory status. Equality before ethical and legal norms and the Almighty makes one equal to another. The role of instrumental values is self-organization, self-determination, sovereignty, resistance, cooperation. All these values influence individual and social behavior, socio-political activity, and collective mobilization. However, the degree of influence of values on social activity depends on socio-political conditions and the political regime. The uniqueness of the current period in Russia and the regions introduces some restrictions on the activities of civil institutions and public organizations. In Chechnya, since 2003, a post-conflict situation of partial conflict resolution has developed, and on April 16, 2009, the counter-terrorism operation (CTO) officially ended. The republic's social and communal infrastructure has been restored, and the foundation of the economy is being created. But in the virtual space of Internet resources, the ideological and political conflict continues between the foreign Chechen socio-political diaspora and the ideologists of the regional authorities of the Chechen Republic. Each side demonstrates a different understanding of basic sociocultural values - freedom, justice. The results of the study can help correct the positions of opponents and clarify the value perceptions of various groups of the population.

Panel SOC01
Diaspora and Regional Communities: Past and Present
  Session 1 Thursday 6 June, 2024, -