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Accepted Paper:

Comparative analysis on culture of memory in Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan  
Elmira Nogoibaeva (Research platform Esimde)

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Paper abstract:

All modern countries of Central Asia (CA) have a common Soviet, communist past. 30 years of independence were

marked by parallel processes of national and state building. During these processes it was impossible to ignore the past.

This is how new/old concepts of what a given nation, state was like in the pre-Russian and Soviet periods appeared, how

societies today form their post-coloniality, and how the politics of memory is set by the elites of these countries. New/Old

concept erupted, what we were before Russian invasion in the beginning of the 20 centuries? What we were in the Soviet

period? How the politics of memory is being conducted by the independent countries today? The purpose of this research

work: to study the cultures of memory in the countries of Central Asia and define the role of the state and local narratives,

and how this affects the identity of the societies and states of these countries today.

Panel HIST13
Nation and Controversy in Late Soviet Central Asia
  Session 1 Friday 20 October, 2023, -