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Accepted Paper:

The US and EU programmes in fostering sustainable regional security cooperation in Central Asia.  
Taalaigul Usonova (Ala- Too International University)

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Paper abstract:


Today Afghanistan is seen not as a source of threat but the linkage to the south for the Central Asian region due to more consolidation and wiliness to seek regional solutions to the security issues. However, the challenges posed by Afghanistan's instability require regional cooperation in the security field among Central Asian states. Regional security is a priority interest for the US and EU, making Central Asia an increasingly important partner. This paper examines EU and US official development assistance dynamics and the share of assistance to Conflicts, peace and security sector. In addition it explores how the EU and US foster regional security cooperation in Central Asia through the following regional programs: Border Management in Central Asia, and Central Asia Drug Action Program, the C5+1 Diplomatic Platform, Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Program, and Global Train and Equip (GTE) Program.

The first part of the paper overviews threats related to drug trafficking as a major regional security threat. The second part explores EU Institutions ODA to Central Asia for Conflict, Peace & Security during 2002–2020 and overviews EU Initiatives to foster regional security cooperation in the framework of BOMCA and CADAP programmes finalises it with how the EU fosters regional security cooperation in the framework of BOMCA and CADAP part. The third part delves into The US Initiatives in Central Asia for Enhancing Security Cooperation overviewing the United States ODA to Central Asia for Conflict, Peace & Security during 2002–2021 and completes with Perspectives of Experts on U.S. Initiatives Promoting Sustainable Regional Security Cooperation in Central Asia.

The paper concludes by emphasizing the potential for collaboration between the EU and US to create a more integrated and holistic approach to regional security cooperation in Central Asia.

Keywords: Regional security cooperation, US security cooperation with Central Asia, EU security cooperation with Central Asia, The EU and US cooperation in Central Asia.

Panel POL07
Diplomacy and Foreign Influence
  Session 1 Friday 20 October, 2023, -