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Accepted Paper:

Essence of family and the place of a woman in it for different generations of modern Kyrgyzstan  
Gulmiza Seitalieva (International University of Kyrgyzstan)

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Paper abstract:

There is a common understanding that the older generation always holds traditional views, while the younger represent revolutionary ideas. However, today's Kyrgyzstan is characterized by directly opposite tendencies. The older generation, which has an experience of the Soviet emancipation of women, adhering to traditional cultural values about family, at the same time supports the independence, freedom and advancement of women in society. The opposite position is held by the younger generation, for which Islamic identity is more important than ethnic. As a rule, these are religious, or near-religious youth. Their family values are based on the Quran. From their point of view, a woman's place is in the family, but not in society. A woman should devote herself entirely to the service of her husband and the upbringing of her children. More than 120 Islamic educational institutions, financed by various foreign Islamic foundations, are working to change young women and men, displacing the influence of social networks, their own parents, and schools.

There is another part of the youth who have accepted the Western liberal doctrine of absolutely equal rights for men and women. This generation ignore traditional family values that their parents impose on them. Young people are not ready to sacrifice their personal interests for the sake of a family. Divorces have become commonplace. Children become victims of irresponsible young parents.

Hypothesis. Since the older generation does not consider to interfere in modern processes, the main struggle of views on the role of the family and the place of a woman will unfold in the very environment of such dissimilar modern youth: believers and liberals. The believing youth will win the upper hand, who will be able to save a family, with clearly defined gender roles. The liberal part of the youth will continue its never-ending struggle for human rights, women's rights, and the rights of sexual minorities. The further, the greater the gap will form between believers and liberals.

Methodology. To obtain certain conclusions, unstructured interview methods and an analysis of existing studies on the problems of the family and the place and role of women over the past ten years will be used.

Key words: family values, gender roles, women's rights, emancipation.

Panel GEND02
A Gendered Lens: Power and Agency across Central Asia
  Session 1 Sunday 22 October, 2023, -