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Accepted Contribution:

Oral history and decolonization of Kyrgyzstan’s history  
Aijamal Sarybaeva (American University of Central Asia)

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Contribution abstract:

Oral history as a discipline is still in its infancy in Kyrgyzstan but it can serve as a way to decolonize and decenter Soviet Kyrgyz history. Conventionally history of Kyrgyzstan and its peoples was written with the focus on Soviet Russia, and very often it was placed in the margins of Soviet history and scholarship. But as bell hooks wrote

" ... these margins have been both sites of repression and sites of resistance," oral history can bring these margins to the center reversing the traditional order and ways of how histories of Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia were written. By giving the voice to the ones who have been in the margins and silenced, it gives us an opportunity to rethink and reexamine the existing discourses, narratives, and methodologies in the field of history.

Roundtable EDU02
Decolonizing knowledge production in Central Asia: Reflecting on pedagogy and scholarship in different disciplines
  Session 1 Friday 20 October, 2023, -