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Accepted Contribution:

(Re)Framing Knowledge-and-Skill-Building Production and Strategies Through Networked Education and Research in Central Asia  
Mary Bernadette Conde (American University of Central Asia)

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Contribution abstract:

My presentation will highlight the development, challenges, and design of a collaborative research project entitled "English Learner Success in ESL & Content Classrooms: Online courses incubated at AQB and AUCA for the Open Society University Network". This research project is currently piloted and implemented in 3 higher institutions in the network, namely, Arizona State University, American University of Central Asia, and Al Quds Bard in Palestine. Designed for OSUN classrooms with strong emphasis on student-centered learning, critical literacy (especially in reading and writing), and teaching strategies, the project has integrated issues of global and local relevance through interdisciplinary research collaboration or comparative pedagogy and research. This project involves 4 student-support courses in liberal arts education courses which are the Second Year Seminar, Human Rights, Economics, and Information and Media Literacy, that are designed to be integrated, embedded or side by side in content-courses in liberal arts and sciences curriculum or beyond those aforementioned courses. In this project, we have a wealth of incredible work developed by scholars and educators despite our varied cultural differences, diverse institutional research expertise, and different pedagogical and methodological experiences that enable these institutions communicate and share critical discussions and reflections on framing knowledge-and-skill building production and strategies. This presentation will also share common course design frameworks, feedbacks from students, and some insights and successes that are generated when this project has been created, piloted, and implemented.

Roundtable EDU02
Decolonizing knowledge production in Central Asia: Reflecting on pedagogy and scholarship in different disciplines
  Session 1 Friday 20 October, 2023, -