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Accepted Paper:

Learning from the university of Nairobi e-library: the power of users  
Isaac Nyamongo (Cooperative University of Kenya)

Paper short abstract:

Institutions of higher learning in Africa have two challenges: lack of stocked libraries and poor internet connectivity. Are scholars in Africa able and willing to push institutions to explore access to resources through the internet? Lessons for institutions in similar environments are drawn.

Paper long abstract:

Many institutions of higher learning in Africa have the double problem of lack of well-stocked libraries and a poor internet connectivity. This double challenge conspires to keep scholars in Africa low resourced in terms of new information. While the former challenge remains, it can be eased through enhanced connectivity. Fortunately, internet is taking root in Africa albeit with limited bandwidth. With the internet in place the challenge of access to resources is overcome. The question that however remains is one. Are scholars in Africa able and willing to push their University libraries to explore ways to ensuring access to resources through the internet? This paper presents a case study of the University of Nairobi, which has over time improved its e-resource. It explores the role of users in taking the university library into the 21st century and what this means in terms of scholarly output and ultimately the ranking of the University regionally and globally. The paper draws useful lessons for other institutions in similar environments.

Panel WIM-GF03
Global collaborative knowledge exchange: e-learning and e-library [IUAES Commission on Documentation]
  Session 1