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Accepted Paper:

'Left-behind communities': the poverty of post-class politics in post-industrial Britain  
Gillian Evans (University of Manchester)

Paper short abstract:

Focusing on the rhetoric and practice of the anti-fascist organisation - Hope not Hate - this paper critically examines the emergence of post-class politics in the urban neighbourhoods of post-industrial Brexit-Britain.

Paper long abstract:

This paper provides an anthropological analysis of the social, economic and political conditions that have given rise, in Britain, to a right-of-centre populist politics of cultural nationalism. This cultural nationalism is the background against which emergent forms of resistance are arising, such as the new initiatives of the grassroots anti-fascist organisation, Hope not Hate, whose current focus on 'left-behind communities', brings attention to those predominantly white working class urban communities alienated from a post-industrial society that has never represented their interests.

Panel WIM-WHF06
Making life and politics after Fordism
  Session 1