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Accepted Paper:

Technology shareability: Covid-19 realities about knowledge flow between Global North and Global South   
Andrew Aura (Uzima University)

Paper Abstract:

The COVID-19 pandemic not only revealed the physical resilience of African peoples in terms of their response but also their technological creativity due to the unsustainable technological supplies from the Global North. Hence, local manufacturers became innovative by producing hand sanitizers, face masks, and hand gloves, among others – made from local fabric that became instrumental in dealing with the pandemic. That contextual response mechanism provided the local gaze of the global health pandemic in the postcolonial states. Moreover, there was the calibration of local solutions informed by the imported, western-centric health protocols that often disregard local practices and traditional knowledge, and these helped to deal with the global health condition. The responses have illustrated a knowledge gap, where indigenous and community-based health systems, which could contribute to pandemic mitigation, remain underutilized. The transformation of anthropological knowledge, although potentially impactful, is hindered by epistemic inequalities that prioritize foreign expertise over locally grounded practices. This transformation process also encounters ethical challenges; as anthropological insights become “precious commodities,” there is a risk of commodifying indigenous knowledge without acknowledging its cultural origins – ultimately undermining local solutions. Amid these complexities, the pandemic reveals an urgent need to decolonize knowledge systems in postcolonial states, ensuring that anthropological insights are adapted to local contexts, and preserving cultural heritage while supporting practical health solutions.

Panel P35
Anthropological renewal, knowledge flows, and contextual intersections in Africa
  Session 1 Wednesday 9 April, 2025, -