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Accepted Paper:
Paper Short Abstract:
Sacred Groves, Bio-diversity conservation, maintenance of tangible and intangible heritage of cultural resource management and the development of Tribal Eco-tourism among the Tribes of Odisha in India and how the government policy protects through SDGs is highlighted in this research.
Paper Abstract:
Sacred Groves are inter-connected to the Tribal culture and religion. Protection of the Sacred Groves through customary law also a living cultural tradition practices among the Tribes throughout India. Protection of Natural resource as well as maintenance of tangible and intangible heritage of cultural resources is the identity of a tribal community. In India the state of Odisha has 64 Scheduled Tribal communities, have their specific cultural identity where protection and management of Sacred Groves is an essential part of their life. Odisha has many notable numbers of unexplored Sacred Groves among the Tribes which are still not yet documented. This research aims that how the Tribes protects their nature as well as maintaining Bio-Diversity Conservation and also developed the Eco-Tourism. The Scheduled Tribes as well as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups in Odisha maintain their age-old Sacred Groves through the generations. The Tribal community have developed Eco tourism in recent times where Government of Odisha has also extended their help for Tribal development. Here this research highlights how indigenous ecological knowledge of the Tribal people of Odisha have manage their biodiversity, maintain their age-old Sacred Groves through cultural heritage and also develop their model of Eco-tourism, which is attract to the Tourist from State, Nation and Worldwide. Here this research also highlights the policy issue to the government to protect the nature as well as the cultural resources of the Tribal people of Odisha. This research also aims how the State of Odisha has fulfilled UN’s Sustainable Development Goals-30.
Sacred groves, biodiversity conservation and indigenous communities: anthropological perspectives
Session 3 Thursday 10 April, 2025, -