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Accepted Paper:
The world is writing, and the people are not reading. Women’s writing against the secamento tempo
Jacqueline Ferraz de Lima
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
Paper Short Abstract:
This proposal intends to make ethnographic writing an way to echo with the women's knowledge in the changes observed in the landscape of the cerrados in the Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Paper Abstract:
"De primeiro" [at first] it was all cerradão, as Dona Vani and other residents said in the rural location in the northwest of Minas Gerais, Brazil. "The world is writing, and people are not reading", said the women to draw attention to the "secamento do tempo" in the cerrado mineiro. It was common to hear: ‘it has rained less’, ‘it's a different heat’, ‘there's more dust’. ‘There are no more trees’, ‘the rivers are dry’, ‘the rivers are not in the same place’, ‘the paths have changed’, ‘the animals have disappeared’, ‘it does not bloom as before’. The "secamento do tempo" refers to changes observed in the landscape of the cerrados. It also informs about the developmental logic that ignores the specificities of local knowledge methods; the death of the cerrado as it was de primeiro. Act against the secamento do tempo is the task that many of the women have been facing in the cerrado. Along with this action, this proposal intends to observe and react to the writings of the world that the people are not reading: an ethical and political proposition. How can ethnographic writing be used to echo along the women's knowledge in the cerrado?