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Accepted Paper:

"I Had to Save My Children": Mothers Fleeing War and Creating Safe Spaces in Uncertain Times  
Alice Gaya (University of Oxford)

Paper Short Abstract:

This ethnographic study examines mothers' decisions to leave a conflict zone with their children for Greece. Their narratives reveal the complex interplay between maternal protection, establishing temporary routines abroad, and thoughts of return, while partners remain at home.

Paper Abstract:

This paper explores mothers' critical decision to leave their homes with their children following an outbreak of conflict, while their partners remained behind in Israel. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Evia, Greece, including participant observation, 14 in-depth interviews, and social media analysis, this research examines three interconnected aspects: the decision-making process to leave, the creation of temporary daily routines abroad, and the ongoing contemplation of return.

The study reveals how these middle-class mothers frame their departure as an act of maternal protection, choosing to prioritize their children's physical and emotional safety despite the personal cost of family separation. While their relative privilege enabled this choice, they still face significant challenges in creating temporary lives abroad. The research documents how these women establish daily routines in Greece - organizing informal education, creating support networks, and maintaining connections with home through digital means - all while living in a state of perpetual temporariness.

Their experiences highlight the complex emotional landscape of protective migration: the relief of providing safety for their children mixed with guilt about leaving, the effort to create stability in temporary circumstances, and the constant question of when to return. The research contributes to understanding how mothers make decisions about children's safety in conflict situations, while offering insights into the creation of temporary lives and the ongoing negotiation of return.

Panel P29
Motherhood on the move: infrastructures of im/mobilities
  Session 1 Thursday 10 April, 2025, -