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Accepted Paper:

About coexistence: on the constitution of djeoromitxi's places  
Nicole Soares-Pinto (Federal University of Espírito Santo)

Paper short abstract:

The purpose is to consider djeoromitxi indigenous ways of living and inhabiting the land through movements tied to founding and re-founding villages, involve intrahuman and transespecific relations with spirit beings. In this investigation, kinship, leadership and territory themes are all intricade.

Paper long abstract:

The paper's purpose is to consider indigenous ways of living and inhabiting the land. To do this, I situate myself ethnographically between the constitution of djeoromitxi places (speakers of a Macro-Jê language; inhabitants of southern Amazonia) and their history of territorial invasion, deaths by epidemics and forced displacement. The post-hecatomb movements tied to founding and re-founding villages, involve intrahuman and transespecific relations with spirit beings: game, fish, trees' owners, dead relatives and evil spirits. The ethnography of the djeoromitxi' places points to a certain sharing of ground between kinship, politics (leadership) and territory. Additionally, this ground-sharing contains an indigenous reflection on non-indigenous people.

Panel Pol04
Cosmopolitics of land: engagement and negotiation in the lived world
  Session 1