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Accepted Paper:

has pdf download Multi-sited ethnography and the anthropological study of tourism  
Linda McNenly (Wilfrid Laurier University)

Paper long abstract:

Scholars have recognized the changing nature of 'the field' in response to an increasingly global, mobile, transnational world. This 'new field' consists of "pathways" (Marcus 1995) and "flows" or "-scapes" (Appadurai 1990). A focus on these border spaces and mobile world as opened up new questions for analysis and enriched studies on tourism. However, this "new field" also presents challenges to traditional ethnographic practices. Based on ethnographic, ethnohistorical research I conducted on Native experiences in historic and contemporary Wild West shows, this paper explores the feasibility of a multi-sited, multi-method approach to the study of tourism. I discuss the challenges and concerns with this approach, including questions of locality, informant relationships, prolonged interaction, data quality, and ethics. While this research project proved challenging, it also yielded rich data as it addressed several methodological and ethical concerns about the anthropological study of tourism.

E-paper: this Paper will not be presented, but read in advance and discussed

Panel A1
Engaging ethnography in tourist research