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Accepted Paper:

A critical marxist perspective on Aboriginal knowledge, value and alienation  
Michael O'Kane (First Nations Legal and Research Services)

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Paper short abstract:

Marx's labour theory of value and alienation offers an important perspective from which to record and describe the process of natural resource management policy development utilising Aboriginal knowledge groups and cultural practitioners in Victoria. The paper examines three such policy initiatives.

Paper long abstract:

Governments in south eastern Australia are beginning to use Aboriginal knowledge in their environmental management policies and, in doing so, are re-valuing (or re-evaluating) Aboriginal people as potential assets (or creators of profit though the practice of cultural knowledge). In this moment, governments again have the capacity to exploit Aboriginal labour value in concert with their exploitation of Aboriginal land. This is not unwelcomed in Aboriginal communities as it represents a greater degree of land control than has been possible since the advent of colonisation. Examining three Victorian Government policy initiatives in 2018 which utilised Aboriginal led knowledge groups and cultural practitioners, this paper argues that Marx's theory of labour value and alienation offers an important perspective from which to record and describe this process.

Panel P14
Anthropology and the labour theory of value: history, present and future
  Session 1 Monday 2 December, 2019, -