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Accepted Paper:

The mosaic face of entrepreneurial motherhood on visual social media  
Joanne Byrne (La Trobe University)

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Paper short abstract:

Based on digital ethnographic work, this talk shall explore how 'Mumpreneurs' strategically navigate competing tensions (eg home & work, brand & self, motherhood & business) through visual digital media.

Paper long abstract:

"Mumpreneur" is a portmanteau of 'mum' and 'entrepreneur' often used to describe women with children who start up small-medium, frequently home-based, businesses. Mumpreneurship seems an attractive prospect for many working mothers due to the supposed flexibility and convenience afforded by running a business from home. For many mumpreneurs, however, the experience is far from ideal, with many returning to the traditional workforce in some capacity. Based on ethnographic work incorporating both traditional and digital field methods, this talk will discuss the multifaceted performance of mumpreneurship on visual social media platforms, particularly Instagram and Facebook. Through pictures, short videos and #inspo posts, entrepreneurial mothers navigate the tensions between 'motherhood & business', 'work & home' as well as 'brand & self'. The choice of when, where and what to post belies a complicated interplay between 'cohesive brand narrative' and 'authentic self-expression'. Ultimately, the public expression of mumpreneurship is both multi-layered and strategic.

Panel P33
Gender, research and evaluating 'value': the impact of/in ethnography with visual materials
  Session 1 Monday 2 December, 2019, -