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Accepted Paper:

The rhetoric of the Brazilian far-right built in the streets  
Gabriel Bayarri Toscano (School of Advanced Study - University of London)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper proposal aims to carry out a study of the “Bolsonarim rhetoric” presented in the public protest of Brazil from June 2013 until the Brazilian electoral campaign. The analysis explores how these public protests involved demands for rights and recognition linked to the far-right in this country.

Paper long abstract:

This paper proposal aims to carry out a study of the rhetoric of collective mobilizations at the Brazilian public space from June 2013 that involves demands for rights and recognition linked to the far-right in this country. When discussing this rhetoric from the anthropological point of view, we can undertake an analysis of the legal sensitivities, the political and moral grammars in Brazil, in order to investigate processes of reclaiming of groups that are understood in this public space as far-right.

In Brazil, demands of rights related to reclaims of differentiated identities can be observed in situations of conflicts that involve the recognition of the identities and rights of citizenship of the so-called "Bolsonaro’s Project". The anti-corruption rhetoric in the electoral campaign is fundamental in the construction of such identity claims and collective mobilizations.

This paper seeks to discuss how the actors from the far-right use different regimes of engagement to justify their claims, making them legitimate in this public arena through the use of the “Bolsonarism rhetoric”.

Panel P23
The value of protest in contemporary society [panel + roundtable]
  Session 1 Wednesday 4 December, 2019, -