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Accepted Paper:

Ethical and sustainable food production practices: the emergence of a breed of new farmers who are embracing the 'beyond-farm-to-table' agrarian concept.   
Zainil Zainuddin (RMIT University)

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Paper short abstract:

An in-depth analysis into the communities of practice of a new breed of ethical and sustainable farmers in Victoria and Tasmania.

Paper long abstract:

The paper will explore the emergence of a breed of new farmers in Victoria and Tasmania. These are farmers by choice, often professional with no background in farming but who have decided to engage in sustainable and ethical farming as a fulltime occupation. It will interrogate the socio-demographic characteristics of these new famers and more importantly their motivation for taking up ethical and sustainable farming, their farming practices and the values and ethos for these choices. The paper will also explore the relational dynamic between these farmers of ethical and sustainable produce with their consumers by exploring their usage of digital medium in their business engagement, social activism and online networking.

Panel Land03
Moral economies of food and agriculture
  Session 1