CASCA/IUAES2017 Conference in Ottawa
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA)
The Conference/InterCongress was hosted at the University of Ottawa, on the unceded, traditional territory of the Algonquins of the Ottawa River Watershed. Canada’s capital city is built on the banks of the Kitchisippi, the Great River, the Ottawa River; the Sacred Chaudière Falls and Islands have served as a meeting place of great spiritual importance to the people of North America since time immemorial.
770 delegates attended the conference over the five days, which consisted of 126 panels, more than 700 papers, nine roundtables, two keynotes, three plenaries, several workshops and meetings.
The conference programme is available as a PDF.
Delegates can download their certificate of attendance via the login environment. Login, click the 'C' icon alongside your registration to download a headed, signed PDF.
Watch the opening ceremony, keynote and plenaries videos in the playlist below:
Conference Convener
Scott Simon (University of Ottawa)
Advisory Committee
IUAES: Faye Harrison, Junji Koizumi, Thomas Reuter,
Heather O’Leary
CASCA: Donna Patrick, Christine Jourdan, Nicola Mooney,
Lorne Holyoak
Scientific Committee
Chairs: Mugsy Spiegel (IUAES) and Julie Laplante
IUAES: East Asia: Junji Koizumi, Southeast Asia and China:
Zhang Jijiao, South Asia: Subhadra Channa, Russia: Viacheslav Rudnev
(Commission chair), Europe: Noel Salazar (Commission chair), Africa:
Mugsy Spiegel, Latin America: Gustavo Lins Ribeiro, US: Faye Harrison
CASCA: Michel Bouchard, Ari Gandsman, Julie
Laplante, André Tremblay, Ellen Judd, Charles Menzies, Pauline McKenzie
Aucoin, Andie Diane Palmer.
Local Organizing Committee
Scott Simon, Lorne Holyoak, Donna Patrick, Pauline McKenzie
Aucoin, Ari Gandsman, Julie Laplante, David Jaclin (website content
manager), Deborah Sick, Larisa Kurtovic, Meg Stalcup, Nicolas Rasiulis
(operations manager), Mylène Mongeon (operations manager), Thushara
Hewage, Romola Vasantha Thumbadoo, Claudette Commanda
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